Buku ini mencoba menerangkan langkah-langkah apa saja yang perlu ditempuh ketika membuat suatu program berbasis web dimulai dari kasus yang paling sederhana yaitu menampilkan tulisan ‘Hello world’ pada halaman internet browser komputer anda. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut yang dibutuhkan hanya bahasa program statik disebut HTML (Hypermark Text Markup Language). Sasaran berikutnya setingkat lebih maju dari kasus tersebut adalah membuat aplikasi buku tamu. Untuk membuat program tersebut diperlukan bahasa program yang tidak statik, dalam contoh kasus di buku ini akan menggunakan bahasa program PHP dan MySQL sebagai database untuk menampung input dari pengguna. Di bagian akhir akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang ditempuh untuk menginstal aplikasi CMS (Content Management System) Joomla yang mana aplikasi tersebut dibangun menggunakan bahasa program PHP.
Agar dapat bereksperimen membuat tulisan ‘Hello World’, buku tamu, atau menginstal CMS Joomla menggunakan bahasa program HTML, PHP, dan MySQL harus disiapkan terlebih dahulu ruang lingkungan yang mendukung proses tersebut pada sistem operasi. Ruang lingkungan tersebut adalah:
1. Apache, sebagai web server
2. PHP, sebagai bahasa pemrograman
3. MySQL, sebagai database
4. PHPMyAdmin, antar muka ke database MySQL berbasis web
Sistem operasi yang digunakan adalah Windows XP.
Secara garis besar isi buku ini adalah:
1. Menerangkan langkah-langkah menginstal Apache sebagai web server.
2. Menerangkan langkah-langkah menginstal PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman.
3. Menerangkan langkah-langkah menginstal MySQL sebagai database.
4. Menerangkan langkah-langkah menginstal PHPMyAdmin sebagai antar muka berbasis web untuk mengoperasikan database MySQL.
5. Menerangkan contoh pembuatan program paling sederhana, menampilkan tulisan ‘Hello World’ pada halaman internet browser.
6. Menerangkan contoh pembuatan program buku tamu.
7. Menerangkan contoh menginstal CMS Joomla.
Buku ini disertai dengan CD yang berisikan:
1. Installer Apache web server
2. Installer PHP
3. Installer MySQL
4. Installer PHPMyAdmin
5. Installer Joomla
6. Installer PHPTextEditor
7. Installer Firefox internet browser
Download ebook Pemrograman Dasar Website Menggunakan PHP
Download modul dan komponen Joomla untuk katalog hotel
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, April 13, 2007
md5 Checking
<head><title>Muntenari.Com: md5 Checking</title>
<form action=? method=post>
<input type=text name=str>
<input type=submit value=Submit>
if($_POST['str']) echo "md5('".$_POST['str']."') : ".md5($_POST['str']);
To try the script above please visit http://muntenari.com/exercise/md5.php
<head><title>Muntenari.Com: md5 Checking</title>
<form action=? method=post>
<input type=text name=str>
<input type=submit value=Submit>
if($_POST['str']) echo "md5('".$_POST['str']."') : ".md5($_POST['str']);
To try the script above please visit http://muntenari.com/exercise/md5.php
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Create Random String Image
$string = stringGenerator();
//setcookie("ivstrcookie", $string, time()+3600);
function imageGenerator($string) {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$x = 100;
$y = 30;
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($x,$y);
$putih = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$orange = imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 210, 60);
$hitam = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$abu2 = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 200, 200);
// Border
imagestring($im, 6, $x - 78, $y - 24, $string, $hitam);
function stringGenerator() {
$strlen = 6;
$string = '';
for ($i=1;$i<=$strlen;$i++) {
$rand2 = round(rand (0, 2)) + 1;
if ($rand2 == 1) {
$bottomlimit = 48;
$toplimit = 57;
elseif ($rand2 == 2) {
$bottomlimit = 65;
$toplimit = 90;
else {
$bottomlimit = 97;
$toplimit = 122;
$rand1 = round(rand (0,$toplimit-$bottomlimit)) + $bottomlimit;
$string .= chr($rand1);
return $string;
Save as image.php. Example available at http://muntenari.com/imageverification.php
$string = stringGenerator();
//setcookie("ivstrcookie", $string, time()+3600);
function imageGenerator($string) {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$x = 100;
$y = 30;
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($x,$y);
$putih = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$orange = imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 210, 60);
$hitam = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$abu2 = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 200, 200);
// Border
imagestring($im, 6, $x - 78, $y - 24, $string, $hitam);
function stringGenerator() {
$strlen = 6;
$string = '';
for ($i=1;$i<=$strlen;$i++) {
$rand2 = round(rand (0, 2)) + 1;
if ($rand2 == 1) {
$bottomlimit = 48;
$toplimit = 57;
elseif ($rand2 == 2) {
$bottomlimit = 65;
$toplimit = 90;
else {
$bottomlimit = 97;
$toplimit = 122;
$rand1 = round(rand (0,$toplimit-$bottomlimit)) + $bottomlimit;
$string .= chr($rand1);
return $string;
Save as image.php. Example available at http://muntenari.com/imageverification.php
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
BASH Script To Download File
# filename: download.sh
# desciption: script to download log files from other server
# how to run: shell>./download.sh
# verbose, for debuging only
WGET="/usr/bin/wget --http-user=${USER} --http-passwd=${PASS} -c"
LOG_DATE=`cat ${BASE_DIR}/latihan/webalizer/lastdate`
LOG_DIRS=${BASE_DIR}/`echo "${LOG_DATE}" | awk '{print substr($_,0,6)}'`
# check logs dir. if not exist, create now
if [ ! -d ${LOG_DIRS} ]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIRS}
cd ${LOG_DIRS}
# start download
# filename: download.sh
# desciption: script to download log files from other server
# how to run: shell>./download.sh
# verbose, for debuging only
WGET="/usr/bin/wget --http-user=${USER} --http-passwd=${PASS} -c"
LOG_DATE=`cat ${BASE_DIR}/latihan/webalizer/lastdate`
LOG_DIRS=${BASE_DIR}/`echo "${LOG_DATE}" | awk '{print substr($_,0,6)}'`
# check logs dir. if not exist, create now
if [ ! -d ${LOG_DIRS} ]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIRS}
cd ${LOG_DIRS}
# start download
Module Net::FTP To Download File
Code below use to download a file from other server and work out on linux command line. I use cronjob to run this script to download daily log of our apache web server.
use Net::FTP;
$ftpSite = "www.muntenari.com";
$ftpUsername = "username";
$ftpPassword = "password";
$ftpDirectory = "/var/log/httpd";
$logFilesDirectory = "/localserver/home/";
$ftpFilename = "data.tar.gz";
unless (-d $logFilesDirectory) {
print STDERR "Creating directory " . $logFilesDirectory . "\n";
mkdir $logFilesDirectory || die "Cannot create " . $! . "\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($ftpSite) || die "Can't connect to $ftpSite : $@\n";
$ftp->login($ftpUsername, $ftpPassword) || die "Couldn't login to $ftpSite \n";
$ftp->cwd($ftpDirectory) || die "Couldn't change directory\n";
$ftp->binary() || die "Couldn't change to binary\n";
print STDERR "copying $ftpFilename from $ftpSite .....\n";
$noGetFile = 0;
$ftp->get($ftpFilename,"$logFilesDirectory/$ftpFilename") || ($noGetFile = 1);
if ($noGetFile == 1) {
print "Couldn't get $ftpFilename\n";
else {
print "success\n";
use Net::FTP;
$ftpSite = "www.muntenari.com";
$ftpUsername = "username";
$ftpPassword = "password";
$ftpDirectory = "/var/log/httpd";
$logFilesDirectory = "/localserver/home/";
$ftpFilename = "data.tar.gz";
unless (-d $logFilesDirectory) {
print STDERR "Creating directory " . $logFilesDirectory . "\n";
mkdir $logFilesDirectory || die "Cannot create " . $! . "\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($ftpSite) || die "Can't connect to $ftpSite : $@\n";
$ftp->login($ftpUsername, $ftpPassword) || die "Couldn't login to $ftpSite \n";
$ftp->cwd($ftpDirectory) || die "Couldn't change directory\n";
$ftp->binary() || die "Couldn't change to binary\n";
print STDERR "copying $ftpFilename from $ftpSite .....\n";
$noGetFile = 0;
$ftp->get($ftpFilename,"$logFilesDirectory/$ftpFilename") || ($noGetFile = 1);
if ($noGetFile == 1) {
print "Couldn't get $ftpFilename\n";
else {
print "success\n";
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Login Session Use Cookie
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use strict;
my $h = CGI->new;
our $mode = param("mode") if (defined(param("mode")));
our $userlog = "";
our $pswdlog = "";
our $cexprd = "+5m";
if ($mode eq "login") {
if (defined(param("username")) && defined(param("password"))) {
$userlog = param("username");
$pswdlog = param("password");
else {
$userlog = "";
$pswdlog = "";
elsif ($mode eq "logout") {
$userlog = "";
$pswdlog = "";
$cexprd = "-1";
else {
$userlog = $h->cookie(-name=>'username') || "";
$pswdlog = $h->cookie(-name=>'password') || "";
our $cuserlog = $h->cookie( -name=>'username',
our $cpswdlog = $h->cookie( -name=>'password',
our $loginstatus = &isLogin($userlog,$pswdlog);
sub isLogin {
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64);
my $username = "0004af1d29b20c565e608b40905f010f88b26004";
my $password = "a137e3c6315986e13d4ba3961f4fca07476e4b71";
my $status = 0;
if ($username eq sha1_hex($_[0]) && $password eq sha1_hex($_[1])) {
$status = 1;
return $status;
print header({type => "text/html", -cookie=>[$cuserlog,$cpswdlog]});
if ($loginstatus == 1) {
print "You are login now";
else {
print "You are logout now";
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use strict;
my $h = CGI->new;
our $mode = param("mode") if (defined(param("mode")));
our $userlog = "";
our $pswdlog = "";
our $cexprd = "+5m";
if ($mode eq "login") {
if (defined(param("username")) && defined(param("password"))) {
$userlog = param("username");
$pswdlog = param("password");
else {
$userlog = "";
$pswdlog = "";
elsif ($mode eq "logout") {
$userlog = "";
$pswdlog = "";
$cexprd = "-1";
else {
$userlog = $h->cookie(-name=>'username') || "";
$pswdlog = $h->cookie(-name=>'password') || "";
our $cuserlog = $h->cookie( -name=>'username',
our $cpswdlog = $h->cookie( -name=>'password',
our $loginstatus = &isLogin($userlog,$pswdlog);
sub isLogin {
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64);
my $username = "0004af1d29b20c565e608b40905f010f88b26004";
my $password = "a137e3c6315986e13d4ba3961f4fca07476e4b71";
my $status = 0;
if ($username eq sha1_hex($_[0]) && $password eq sha1_hex($_[1])) {
$status = 1;
return $status;
print header({type => "text/html", -cookie=>[$cuserlog,$cpswdlog]});
if ($loginstatus == 1) {
print "You are login now";
else {
print "You are logout now";
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